
Pain Is Temporary

Pain Is Temporary
Some Inspriation I Found

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Free Workout Log Tool

While looking for a way to easily input my workout data into this blog, I stumbled upon a free workout log tool that I think is share-worthy. It had a positive review from, a company I trust because my CEO helped found it.

The log is located at and it was one of the things I was looking for, albeit not what I was looking for when I found it. What you do is input your workout and body stats each day/week/etc and it tracks your progress. You can track progress on lifts, body weight, body fat %, and measurements; pretty much anything you need to determine which workouts are bringing you the best results.

I'm going to start using it today so that I can use my body for experiments and find out what types of workouts bring me the best results over time. There are some things I still need, which I'll buy as soon as I get my next paycheck, including a camera, measurement tape, and a body fat calculator. I will try to buy as many of these things as possible on Sunday so that I can have baselines ready to go for the first day of my new program.

The nerd in me just leaped for joy at the thought of actively using science to improve my workout results. 

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