Chest & Biceps Day
The Workout
Lifting Notes
This was my first workout back after a couple of weeks and with my elbow injury. I decided to go high rep to protect my tendons from further microtears and to pump blood into the joint, which should encourage healing. This was surprisingly difficult and I am pretty sore today. I made sure all my reps were performed with perfect form and that I controlled the weight with slow movement. Slowing the speed at which I move weight made each rep significantly harder. I think this may be the way to go until I'm healthy. I also noticed that my elbows felt better AFTER my workout then they did before. Although today there is no improvement over yesterday. Hard to know for sure, though, because my biceps and forearms are so sore around the elbow.
I warmed up with really light rowing for 10 minutes and maintained a rate that burned exactly 100 calories (not gonna lie, I went about 15-20 seconds extra to hit the mark).
After my lifting, I worked on the stair-stepper for another 30 minutes and burned another 300 calories or so. It was a little quicker than I liked, so I may back off a bit next time. I feel really tense today and I think I just got carried away my first workout back.
Diet Log
Diet Notes
My diet yesterday was pretty disciplined in terms over calorie consumption. I probably ate too little, if anything. I overshot my mark on fat by a bit, probably just the bratwurst. On carbs I was a little light, but on protein I drastically undershot my mark. It felt like I was making a conscious effort to eat lots of protein, but it's difficult to get 300+ grams of protein.I'm going to add more fruit and veggies into my diet while cutting out some bread. Together that should get me to the mark on carbs. It's not every day I'll eat something like bratwurst, so I'm not worried much about my fat intake. Besides, I'm slightly endomorphic so it's better I overshoot on fat than on carbs. To try and tackle my protein problem, I'm adding some additional shakes to my day (2) and I'm going to try and add more eggs, nuts, and lunch meat in. Together, I should be able to add at least 100 extra grams of protein.
Check back tomorrow for tonight's workout and today's diet log.
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